The Union for Mental Health

Mission Statement

The Union for Mental Health of Russia’s mission is to unite and support both organizations and individuals from various fields of public health, psychiatry & psychotherapy, psychology & gerontology, occupational labor & social security, science & education, art & culture, sport & physical fitness, economics & law, and the media as well as government, business & community sectors leaders in their efforts towards preserving the mental health of the population and improving the quality of life of the mentally ill in Russia.


The Union for Mental Health of Russia’s activities are based on three cross-cutting approaches:

  • CLUSTER APPROACH: Support for education and research in the areas of prevention of mental disorders and promotion mental health values; treatment and rehabilitation, by setting a multidisciplinary platform for cooperation based on mutual respect.
  • AVAILABILITY APPROACH: All segments of the Russian population, regardless of their age, gender, social status, religious and political affiliations, should be granted access to education, information and medical services in the field of mental health.
  • INTER-SECTORAL APPROACH: Successful implementation of strategies and programs aimed at preserving mental health require partnerships between government, business and community sectors, including non-profit organizations.

Forms of Operation:

  • Creation of a platform for cooperation and carrying out joint innovative activities between representatives of different disciplines, fields and sectors in mental health in Russia.
  • Delivering opportunities for the professional development and education for the Russian Union for Mental Health’s members and stakeholders. 
  • Support to the development of mental health sciences in compliance with the national priorities, and their integration into the global mental health care system.

Program Areas:

  • Prevention of mental disorders and promotion of mental health values.
  • Improving the quality of life for people with mental health problems.
  • Designing, assessing and implementing educational and research programs in mental health.


More detailed information can be obtained from our website: