Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Please kindly note:

  1. Deadline:

- the deadline for abstract submission is 1 March 2022

- the deadline for notification is 1 April 2022.

  1. Format:

Presentations can be delivered in-person or online. Presentations (ppt) or videos will be required from all presenters, regardless of the format of participation (in-person or online) before 15 May.

  1. Guidelines for Submission
  • Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled for presentation and included for publication.
  • Abstracts that have been previously presented at another meeting may not be submitted.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling.
  • Acceptance of the abstract does not imply that the Organizing Committee will cover any expenses of the presenter.
  • Abstract submitters will be required to disclose any conflict of interests in the submission form.
  • After completing registration please sign into your Personal Account and upload your proposal to the section “Abstract Submission”.
  • Please kindly note that each person may submit one abstract.
  • The content of the abstract should be in line with the Congress' thematic fields.
  • The abstract should include:
  • Title of abstract: In the center using Font size 12 Bold in Capital Letters, Times New Roman
  • Author’s information: Author's name, degree/ position, affiliation/University, country/city, e-mail should be in the center using Font size 12 Bold in Capital Letters, Times New Roman
  • Abstract: Abstract should be given right after the “Author’s Information” in the same font and format as given there. Abstract should be limited to 250 words (including spaces).
  • Abstracts should clearly state objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • References: For references, please use Font Size 10, Times New Roman, single spaced.