Welcome to the Congress
Distinguished Members of the International and Russian Organizing Committees, and the Scientific Committee,
Dear colleagues,
I am extremely pleased to announce the WPA Thematic Congress "Mental Health in the Workplace" to be held on June 2-4, 2022, in Moscow!
We are proud that the Union for Mental Health of Russia, together with the Russian Society of Psychiatrists, are co-organizers of this global event aimed at creating favorable conditions for the protection of mental health and well-being of workers through interagency and interdisciplinary cooperation.
All of us are engaged in professional activities most of our lives and we are aware that our work conditions largely determine the entire hierarchy of the moral and spiritual meanings of our personal existence, and affects the well-being of our families.
We also know that in the context of a pandemic that negatively affected the economy and social security of the population, the world of work has been seriously affected. We all faced threats to our health, new working conditions, family and personal problems caused by forced isolation. All of these could cause increased anxiety, stress, which could negatively affect our mental health and well-being.
In this regard, I express the hope that the Congress will become a global platform for all interested stakeholders including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists; leaders and specialists of companies within the production sphere and the sphere of services, HR services; policymakers and the media, NGOs and community leaders who can provide a consolidated position on how to address mental health and well-being of workers all over the world.
Welcome to Moscow! Welcome to the world of professionals who will exchange experiences and present the best practices of national and corporate strategies and programs aimed at preserving the mental health and well-being of the working-age population!
On behalf of the Union for Mental Health, the host organization, let me express my deep gratitude to the World Psychiatric Association and personally to President Dr. Afzal Javed for the opportunity to organize a thematic congress on such an important for all of us topic!
Natalia Treushnikova, President of the Union for Mental Health.
President, Union for Mental Health of Russia