Scientific program
Registration (Congress Center lobby)
Networking & Welcome coffee (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2020 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditionshe
OPENING CEREMONY (Congress hall)
Welcome from the Government of the Russian Federation
Plenary Session «Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Challenges, Solutions and Development» (Congress hall)
Networking & Lunch (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2020 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions
Opening WHO SESSION «Integration of Child and Adolescent Mental Health into the Global Sustainable Development Agenda: Strategies to Achieving Universal Health Coverage»
Networking & Coffee-break (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2020 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions
The III National Awards Ceremony «Harmony»
Welcome reception
Registration (Congress-Center lobby)
Networking & Welcome coffee (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2020 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions
Parallel Conferences
- Prevention of Mental Disorders to Promote the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Congress hall 1)
- Treatment and Rehabilitation for the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Congress hall 2)
- The Mental Health and Well-Being of Gifted Children (Enisey hall)
- The Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents in Difficult Life Situations (Congress hall 3)
- The Impact of Sports on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Volga hall)
- The Impact of Culture and Art on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Press hall)
- The Role of Education in the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Amphitheater)
- Legal, Economic and Policy Frameworks Concerning the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents (Amur hall)
Networking & Coffee-break (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2020 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions
Parallel Conferences (to be continued)
Networking & Lunch (Seliger & Valday halls)
The Moscow Mental Health EXPO 2018 (Seliger & Valday halls)
The VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions
Parallel Conferences (to be continued)
Discussion of the Declaration “Child and Adolescent Mental Health in the XXI Century”
Parallel Sessions
- Symposium «Psychotherapy in the Training of Professionals Working with Children and Adolescents».
Organized by the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (Congress hall 1).
- Symposium by the Moscow State Sukharev Research and Practical Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Congress hall 2)
- Symposium "Aggression in Children and Adolescents in the Modern World ".
Moderated by Professor Elena Dozortseva, Psy.D, Leader of the Laboratory on Children and Adolescents Psychology at the Serbsky National Medical Research Center on Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia) (Congress hall 3)
- Symposium “Art Therapy and Art Pedagogy as a Tool to Improve Mental Health Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Educational Organizations”.
Moderated by Professor Alexander Kopytin, MD, Chairman of the Russian National Association for the Development of Art Therapy Science and Practice "Art Therapy Association" (Russia) (Press hall)
- Symposium "Prevention of Addictions in Children".
Moderated by Professor Tatiana Klimenko, MD, Deputy Head of the Serbsky National Medical Research Center on Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia) (A hall)
- Symposium "The Impact of Inter-Parental Relationship on the Child Mental Health and Well-Being".
Moderated by Irina Galasyuk, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor of the Department on Neuropsychology at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (Russia)
(B hall)
- Panel Discussion "Peer Support for People with Mental Disorders”.
Organized by Association of People Living with Bipolar Disorder (C hall)
- Symposium "Theatre: Remedy or Poison for Mental Health".
Organized by Andrey Afonin, Theatre director at Integrated theatre KROOG 2, Equal Opportunities, Moscow (Russia) & Professor Alexandre A.J. Buysse, full professor in Developmental psychology at Laval University, Quebec (Canada) (Ural hall)
- Symposium "Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychologically Compromised Children: Understanding Clinical Applications Post Luria and Reitan".
Organized by Dr. Darlyne G. Nemeth, Ph.D., M.P., Director NCLA, WCP's Co-Secretary General (USA) & Professor Janna Glozman, Ph.D., D.Sc., President of International Society of Applied Neuropsychology (ISAN), Research Director of the Luria Research Center for Developmental Neuropsychology, Professor of the Psychology Department at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) (Байкал)
- Symposium "Sanogenic Reflection as a Factor of Emotional Well-Being of a Person".
Moderated by Professor Svetlana Morozyuk, PsyD., Head of the Department on Psychology at the Moscow Pedagogical State University (Russia) (Biryusa hall)
- CT-PTSD Overview Workshop.
Trainer: Professor Anke Ehlers, Professor of Experimental Psychopathology and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology of University of Oxford, and co-director of the Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma (UK) (Amphitheatre)
Parallel Sessions
Plenary Session “Mental Health in Adolescents”. Co-Chaired by Professor Sam Tyano, MD, FRCPsych., FAPA , HFWPA, Professor Emeritus in Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Tel Aviv University School of Medicine, Honorary President of the Israeli Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Association (Israel) & Professor Vladimir Borodin, MD, Professor of the Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Union for Mental Health (Russia) (Congress hall 1)
Plenary Session “Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Mental Disorders”. Co-Chaired by Professor Marc Hermans, MD, founding member of the Belgian Professional Union for Psychiatrists and the Flemish Psychiatric Association (Belgium) & Professor Tatiana Solokhina, MD, Head of the Department on psychiatric care at the Federal State Research Center for Mental Health”, Chair of the Board of the non-for-profit organization “The Family and Mental Health” (Russia)(Congress hall 2)
Plenary Session "Personal Development and Improvement of Environmental and Social Conditions for Juvenile Offenders”. Co-Chaired by Professor Roy Abraham Kallivayalil, MD, Secretary General of the World Psychiatric Association, Vice-Principal, Professor and Head at Department of Psychiatry at Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences (Tiruvalla, Kerala) (India) & Fyedor Ushkov, First Deputy of Department on Educational, Social and Psychological Programs at the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Russia) (Congress hall 3)
Symposium “Art Therapy and Art Pedagogy as a Tool to Improve Mental Health Outcomes in Children and Adolescents in Educational Organizations”. Moderated by Professor Alexander Kopytin, MD, Chairman of the Russian National Association for the Development of Art Therapy Science and Practice "Art Therapy Association" (Russia) (to be continued) (Press hall)
Symposium “Current Issues of Children's Epileptology”. Moderated by Professor Alla Gekht, MD, Director of the Solovyev State Research and Practical Psychoneurological Center of the Moscow Health Department, Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics at the Pirogov Russian Medical University, Vice-President of the International League Against Epilepsy (Russia) & Professor Valery Zykov, MD, Chair of the Department on Child Neurology of the Russian Academy of Continuing Professional Education (Russia) (A hall)
Symposium “Self-Harm: Detection, Intervention and Prevention". Moderated by Professor Alla Gekht & Dr. Melita Vujnović, WHO Representative& Head of WHO Office to the Russian Federation (A hall)
Cognitive-Behavioral Theory Based Training for Group of Parents. Trainers: Professor Lyubov Bitekhtina, PhD (Psychology), Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department on Religious-Oriented Psychotherapy at the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (Russia) & Mila Radovanovic, MA, Play Center in Novi Sad (Serbia) (B hall)
Symposium “Genetics and Mental Health”. Moderated by Professor Elena Dadali, MD, senior researcher of the Department on Research at the Federal State Medical and Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (B hall)
School for Young Psychiatrists. Organized by Professor Peter Morozov, MD, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty for Advanced Medical Studies at the Pirogov Russian National Medical Research University (Russia) (C hall)
Symposium "Theatre: Remedy or Poison for Mental Health" (to be continued) (Ural hall)
Symposium "Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychologically Compromised Children: Understanding Clinical Applications Post Luria and Reitan" (to be continued) (Baikal hall)
Symposium "Helpline for Children: Psychological Assistance to Children in Crisis
Situations”. Organized by Dr. Marina V. Gordeeva, PhD (Economics), Chair of the Board of the Foundation to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations (Biryusa hall)
- CT-PTSD Overview Workshop (to be continued) (Amphitheatre)
Networking & Coffee-break
Plenary Session "Prevention of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents”. Moderated by Professor Boris Polozhiy, MD, Head of the Department of Clinical and Preventive Suicidology of the Serbsky State National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology, Honored Scientist of Russia (Russia) & Professor Ella Arensman, School of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health, Chief Scientist, National Suicide Research Foundation WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention, Representative IASP College of Presidents, Visiting Professor, Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University (Ireland) (Congress hall 1)
Forum of the VI All-Russia Festival of Rehabilitation Programs for People with Mental Health Conditions. Organized by the Union for Mental Health (Congress hall 2)
Plenary Session “Mental Health and Well-Being of Children Without Parental Care”. Co-Chaired by Dr. Marina V. Gordeeva, PhD (Economics), Chair of the Board of the Foundation to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations & Professor Galina Semiya, PsyD, Professor of the Department of Psychological Anthropology at the Institute of Childhood of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Russia) (Congress hall 3)
Symposium “Clinical and Social Aspects of Art Therapy in Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Conditions”. Moderated by Professor Alexander Kopytin, MD, Chairman of the Russian National Association for the Development of Art Therapy Science and Practice "Art Therapy Association" (Russia) (to be continued) (Press hall)
Symposium “Educational and Creative Resources for Child Development and Strengthening Mental Health”. Moderated by Professor Victor Zaretsky, PhD (Psychology), Prof. Victor Zaretsky, PhD (Psychology), Professor of the Department of Individual and Group Psychotherapy at the Faculty of Psychological Counseling, Head of the Laboratory of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Continuous Education of Children and Young Adults with Special Needs and Disabilities at the Institute of Inclusive Education in the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Russia) (A hall)
Symposium “Factors Effecting Self-Regulation in Preschoolers”. Moderated by Professor Nikolay Veraksa, Psy.D, Rector of the International Pedagogical Academy of Pre-School Education, Head of the UNESCO Department of Early Childhood Education and Development; seniour researcher at the Institute for Family, Childhood and Upbringing Studies of the Russian Academy of Education, the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) (B hall)
Symposium on Person-centered Mental Health. Moderated by Professor Juan E. Mezzich, M.Sc. degree program in Academic Psychiatry and M.A. and Ph.D. degree programs in Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, Secretary General of the International College of Person Centered Medicine, Tenured Professor of Psychiatry at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, Hipolito Unanue Chair of Person Centered Medicine at San Marcos University School of Medicine, and Editor of the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine (USA) (C hall)
Teleconference with Argentina “Evidence-Based Approach to Evaluation of Psychological Help to Social Risk Children”.
Teleconference with Finland “International Arts Exchange Program for Juvenile Offenders”. Moderated by Dr. Rimma Chirkina, Ph.D (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Psychology and Law of the Faculty of Legal Psychology at the Federal State Moscow University of Psychology and Education (Russia) (Ural hall)
Symposium “Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychologically Compromised Children:
Understanding Clinical Applications Post Luria and Reitan” (to be continued) (Baikal hall)
Workshop by SOYUZMULTFIM “Development of Emotional Intelligence: How it Works in the Cartoon “Prostokvashino” (Biryusa hall)
Symposium “Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents Living with HIV”. Organized by the Union for Mental Health (Biryusa hall)
CT-PTSD Overview Workshop (to be continued) (Amphitheatre)
Awarding and Closing Ceremony (Congress hall)
Delivery of the Declaration “Child and Adolescent Mental Health in the XXI Century”