President of the Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes, Honorable Chairman of the International Organizing Committee (Germany)
Professor of the Practice of Global Mental Health at the Department of Global Health and Population at the Havard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (USA)
Past Immediate President of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) (Australia)
President World Psychiatric Association (UK)
Immediate Past President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP), Secretary General of the World Psychiatric Association (India)
President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP) (France)
President of the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) (Austria)
Professor of Psychology University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNСW) (USA)
Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Quality Assurance and Empowerment in Mental Health, President of the European Scientific Association on Schizophrenia and other Psychoses (ESAS) (Germany)
Chair of ACAMH, President Elect and member of the Psychiatry Council of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK)
Secretary General of the International College of Person Centered Medicine (USA)
Director of the Oxford Center for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma University of Oxford (UK)
Past Immediate President of the International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (France)
Director at Instituto do Prematuro (Brazil)
Main representative of the International Association of Applied Psychology and the World Council of Psychotherapy to the United Nations (USA)
President of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) (France)
Aires Founder and Director of the Vygotsky Institute
WCP's Co-Secretary General, Director NCLA (USA)
Head of Eligibility for the International Federation for Para-athletes with Intellectual Disabilities (INAS) (UK)
Chairman of the Belorussian Psychiatric Association (Belorussia)
President Association for Mental Health- Global Mental Health, BPW (Business and Professional Women) International- United Nations (UN) Representative Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO) Representative Geneva (Switzerland)
Director of the International Center for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (ICCPP) (Germany)