
The Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RSP) is an independent nonprofit professional organization that brings together specialists in the field of psychiatry, narcology, psychotherapy, medical psychology, and others who work in the Russian Federation Mental Health Care System.
The RSP works to improve the quality of care for people with mental illness, to protect their legitimate rights and interests, to improve mental health of the population, and to raise the professional standards in the fields of psychiatry, narcology, psychotherapy, and clinical psychology, ensuring their rights and interests in addition to developing the science of psychiatry.
The RSP originates from the medical societies of psychiatrists and neurologists that were first organized in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the 19th century. In the 80-ties of the XIX century S.Korsakov was one of those who founded the All-Russian Society but the official statutes of the “Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neurologists” was adopted only in 1908.
Later, the society underwent a period of organizational changes. Initially, in the USSR, the specialists in the fields of psychiatry and neurology were able to become the members of the Society (the number of members in the 1980’s reached 22,000 in number). In 1988, the Society was subdivided into the Society of Psychiatrists and the Society of Neurologists and, after the collapse of USSR, the Russian Society of Psychiatrists became the successor of the All-Union Society of Psychiatrists.
Almost all the prominent Russian and Soviet psychiatrists were members of the Society and its Board including V.M. Bekhterev, V.P. Serbsky, P.P. Kaschenko, P.B. Gannushkin, O.V. Kerbikov, V.A. Gilyarovsky, and A.V. Snezhnevsky. From 1995 to 2010, Professor Valery N. Krasnov acted as the Chairman of the RSP Board. In 2010 (during the XV Congress of Russian Psychiatrists) and in 2015 (during the XVI Congress of Russian Psychiatrists) Professor Nikolay G. Neznanov was elected as the President of the RSP.
Currently, the RSP has more than 8,500 psychiatrists as members (representing more than 30% of the psychiatrists from all over Russia). Regional branches of the Society are in 76 regions of the Russian Federation. The RSP is an official member of the World Psychiatric Association, the European Psychiatric Association, and the Russian National Medical Ward. The RSP organizes the Russian Congress of Psychiatrists every 5 years and the Russian national conferences annually. The RSP includes more than 20 Committees and Sections. The Russian Early Career Psychiatrist’s Council actively works for the benefits of the young generation of professionals, organizing the Schools for Early Career Psychiatrists in Suzdal every 2 years.

The All-Russia Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) has been working since 1996. It is an intensively developing, independent professional association of psychotherapists, practicing psychologists and councilors, mediators - of all those professionals who are engaged in psychotherapy or study it. The main tasks of the League are - to develop a community of professionals, to work on the recognition of psychotherapy as an independent profession, to develop and implement high standards of psychotherapeutic help.
Members of the League, psychologists and psychotherapists, represent a great variety of different psychotherapeutic schools and approaches. PPL represents Russia in the European Association for Psychotherapy, the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy. The main activities of the League are carried out in regional organizations. Branches of PPL work in 45 cities of Russia. There are branches in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, India, Israel too. The number of regional branches increases every year.

The Russian Psychological Society. The history of the Russian Psychological Society dates back to 1885, when the Psychological Society was founded at Moscow Imperial University (now Lomonosov Moscow State University) for the purpose of development of psychology “in all its branches, applications, and history, and for dissemination of psychological knowledge in Russia”.
From the very first days, the Society began to collect and publish works of its members and translate those of prominent foreign psychologists. Among first honorable members of the Russian Psychological Society were Wilhelm Wundt, Theodule Ribot, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, William James, Edward Bradford Titchener and the others.
Today membership of the Russian Psychological Society stands at over 5,000 members at 62 regional branches. The academic base of psychology has flourished with the boom in the popularity of the subject. The professional practice of psychology continues to be enhanced through the scrutiny applied to training and qualifications by our members contributing their time to our Boards and committees, and through the greater understanding and acceptance of psychology by the public.

The Russian Association of Gerontologists and Geriatrists has been created at III Congress of gerontologists and geriatrists in November 2012 in Novosibirsk, Russia.
Main areas of activities include: assistance for healthy, active and able-bodied longevity for citizens of the Russian Federation; delivery of quality medical and social security services for older persons; and development of the legal mechanisms for elderly people rights protection.

The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) is an association of national psychiatric societies aimed to increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in the field of mental health and the care for the mentally ill. Its member societies are presently 138, spanning 118 different countries and representing more than 200,000 psychiatrists. The current President of the Association is Professor of Mental Health and Cultural Diversity, Maudsley International, Health, Dinesh Bhugra (UK).
The core missions of the WPA include encouragement of the highest possible standards of clinical practice, increasing of knowledge and skills about mental disorders and how they can be prevented and treated, promotion of mental health and the highest possible ethical standards in psychiatric work, dissemination of knowledge about evidence-based therapy and values based practice. The WPA organizes the World Congress of Psychiatry every three years. It also organizes international and regional congresses and meetings, and thematic conferences. It has 72 scientific sections, aimed to disseminate information and promote collaborative work in specific domains of psychiatry. It has produced several educational programmes and series of books. It has developed ethical guidelines for psychiatric practice, including the Madrid Declaration (1996).

The European Psychiatric Association (EPA). With active individual members in as many as 88 countries and 39 National Society/Association Members who represent 78,000 European psychiatrists, the European Psychiatric Association is the main association representing psychiatry in Europe, basing its growth on the development of collaborative projects with other major psychiatric organizations, such as the European College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (ECNP), the German Research Network on Schizophrenia (ECSR), the International Society of Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology, the European Brain Council (EBC) and the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The President of EPA is Professor Wolfgang Gaebel.
The mission of EPA is to improve Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Europe. Its activities address the interests of psychiatrists in academia, research and practice throughout all stages of career development. EPA deals with psychiatry and its related disciplines and it focuses on the improvement of care for the mentally ill as well as on the development of professional excellence. The association's official journal is European Psychiatry.

The World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) is a non-governmental organization of the United Nations Organization affiliated to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since May 2003. WCP was founded in 1995, has its headquarters in Vienna. The main objectives of WCP are the promotion of Psychotherapy on all continents (based on the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy in 1990), to improve the conditions of patients, to cooperate with national and international organizations, to improve crisis management and peacekeeping, and to unify world training standards. Members are both psychotherapists and organizations. The World Certificate for Psychotherapy (WCPC) is only awarded on the basis of recognized psychotherapy training and aims to encourage mobility within the profession. Each year, together with the city of Vienna, the Council awards the International Sigmund Freud Award for Psychotherapy.

The International Association on Social Security (ISSA) is the world's leading international organization for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. The ISSA promotes excellence in social security administration through professional guidelines, expert knowledge, services and support to enable its members to develop dynamic social security systems and policy throughout the world. Founded in 1927 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, the ISSA counts more than 330 member organizations in over 160 countries. It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in the International Labour Office (ILO). The ISSA President, elected in 2010, is Mr. Errol Frank Stoové (Netherlands) and the Secretary General since 2005 is Mr. Hans-Horst Konkolewsky (Denmark).
In pursuing its strategic objectives and in delivering quality services to ISSA member institutions, the ISSA Secretariat is committed to the values of empathy, integrity, openness to change and service quality. To ensure accountability, transparency and good governance, the ISSA Secretariat is guided by the ISSA Good Governance Charter and the ISSA internal control standards. Since 2010, the ISSA Secretariat quality management system is ISO 9001:2008 certified. On a regularly basis the ISSA organizes a World Social Security Forum and General Assembly at the end of each triennium and during each triennium organizes four Regional Social Security Forums (in Africa, the Americas, Asia/Pacific and Europe); convenes topic-related technical seminars in various regions; hosts international conferences, does researches, etc. The ISSA publishes a quarterly journal in the social security field, the International Social Security Review in English; issues an electronic newsletter; social security policy briefs; analytical reports on specific topics; and a range of thematic technical reports, etc.

The Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes (AMH) was founded in 2004. It is a not-for-profit organization registered in Geneva, Switzerland. The current President of the Association is Professor Norman Sartorius. Its objective is to make a contribution to the improvement and promotion of mental health programs worldwide. It aims to achieve its goals by means of advice, consultation and research, by organizing talks and seminars, by initiating and coordinating studies and other theoretical and practical work, and by any other appropriate means that can improve the care of people with mental illness and their families and raise the value given to mental health by individuals and societies. Its main activities are research and action concerning the following aspects: fight against stigma of mental illness; comorbidity of mental and physical illness; assessment of mental functioning; development of mental health services; training of different categories of health workers with emphasis on the acquisition of professional skills, and publication of papers and books on the topics of its activities. Any person in good standing can apply for membership. The Association closely collaborates with the Dialogue on Diabetes and Depression. It is a global programme gathering and assessing the available knowledge - both scientific evidence and clinical experience in many countries of the world.

The World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR) is an international non-governmental organization, composed mainly by interdisciplinary mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, social educators and etc.) from all regions in the World.
WAPR was established in 1986 in France, when about 100 professionals from 35 countries met at its founding congress. This congress was preceded by an extensive international planning process, which began with the First World Congress on Rehabilitation for Mentally Ill in Helsinki, in 1970.
The mission of the WAPR is the dissemination of principles and practices of psychosocial rehabilitation. To provide to all stakeholders a forum for the ongoing discussion of the relevant issues concerning the long-term care of people with mental disorders. It is at the same time a scientific society, a multi-disciplinary professional organization and an advocacy group.
More than 40 national secretaries represent the same number of national chapters across the world. Membership of the WAPR is open not only to mental health professionals but also to researchers of various disciplines, administrators, policy makers, consumers and their relatives, and advocacy associations.
Азии; кооперацию с национальными и интернациональными организациями.

The Asian Federation for Psychotherapy (AFP) is a chapter of the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP). It has its own principles under the WCP's constitution. Key purposes of the AFP are to unite all psychotherapists and counselors, psychotherapeutic and counseling institutes with their different school orientation, psychotherapeutic and counseling researchers and their institutes, and their national and international organizations in Asia; to promote the psychotherapy and counseling in all the counties of the Asia; to enhance the conditions for psychotherapy patients and clients in the Asian countries; and to cooperate with national and international organizations.

The World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry (WADP) - is affiliated member of the World Psychiatric Association WPA, member with seat and vote as non-governmental organization in the UNO for Population Activities and of the WHO Committee on Water and Food Supply for the World. The President of WADP is Professor Nikolaj G. Neznanov, M. D., Bekhterev Institute and the Secretary General is Professor Dr. Phil. Dr. H.C. Dipl.Psych, Maria Ammon, Training and Research Institute of German Academy for Psychoanalysis (DAP). The present aims and objectives of WADP is to integrate Dynamic Psychiatric work of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Group Dynamics in psychiatric hospitals or ambulatory work. WADP’s activities in the area of reinstating mental health include: prophylactic work with children and parents ambulatory psychoanalytic, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic indoor dynamic psychiatric treatment and after care; in close cooperation with Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse/German Academy for Psychoanalysis enables teaching and training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and group dynamics - and organizing world congresses. Membership can be applied from all interested professionals from psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychotherapy, social workers, nursing, nursery workers, psychologist, and interested university faculty and people from multiple disciplines, non-verbal therapists like art, music, dance etc.