Welcome to the Congress



It is my privilege to welcome you to the first Congress on Mental Health taking place in Moscow from 7-8 October 2016. The congress will be guided by the motto “Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century” and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers for inviting me as a member of the international organising committee.


As President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) I am proud to represent my organisation in this committee. EPA has 40 National Society Members from 37 countries, representing 80.000 psychiatrists in Europe. The purpose of the Association is to improve the quality of mental health care throughout Europe. Our activities aim to advance European psychiatry in practice, education and research. With our annual EPA Congress we organize a major meeting of international psychiatrists dedicated to promoting European psychiatry and to improving mental health around the globe.


As there are many groups involved in the care of the mentally ill, the interdisciplinary collaboration between groups active in mental health is becoming increasingly important. Therefore I am pleased to support the Congress on Mental Health as a platform for exchanges between experts from various fields like for example public health, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology, narcology, politics and education in order to promote a dialogue.

We look forward to a successful Congress in Moscow in October.


Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gaebel,

President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaebel

President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), M.D., Professor of Psychiatry

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