Welcome to the Congress
Dear Congress Participants!
Difficult periods for the country, economic crises and instability in society can not fail to affect its residents, each of us. Economic problems aggravate the situation on the labor market: someone loses a job, someone is not sure of his or her future, someone is experiencing financial difficulties. All these stressors may create additional pressure on the human psyche, become a cause of psychological discomfort or even mental disorders.
Mental health is not just a medical term. This is an area that extends far beyond the purely medical research. Mental health is a system-forming factor for many related areas, primarily the social spectrum. Our goal is a healthy society, resistant to stress, capable of overcoming difficulties, finding the strength to develop even in difficult conditions. However, this is not going to happen by itself. It is necessary to consolidate efforts of professionals in all socially relevant fields - health, education, social protection, labor protection, science, culture, art, sports, etc. Only a comprehensive approach will help create a favorable environment for mental health.
Therefore, the importance of such a large-scale event as the Congress on Mental Health, it is difficult to overestimate. It aims to become the platform for interdisciplinary, interdepartmental constructive exchange of experience and views, the best international practices, the latest achievements. I hope that the Congress will contribute to the emergence of effective and innovative approaches to the problem of preserving the nation’s mental health, the launch of a new wave of research in this area, finding the right answers to the most pressing issues of mental health maintenance.
Alexey A. Cherkasov
Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
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