Welcome to the Congress
The Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century is undoubtedly a significant event in the life of the professional community. It will bring together and unite the representatives of various scientific schools and fields, will create the conditions for a broad informal discussion of key mental health problems.
It is noteworthy that the Congress is taking place in a significant year - the L. Vygotsky year, when the entire scientific and professional community, marking the 120th anniversary of the founder of the cultural-and-historical scientific school, repeatedly refers to the legacy of this outstanding scientist. Thanks to the system of the concepts and definitions introduced by him and the followers of his scientific school, we can respond to the complex issues related to human mental health, consider these issues in the context of the development of new communities and the activities of modern people.
What is "modern childhood" in relation to the issue of mental health? How is a comfortable environment for the preservation of mental health of children and adolescents built? How should one build education, providing a stable cognitive and personal development at different ages, healthy lifestyle of a growing human being, under the conditions of different opportunities for children who want to be, live and learn together? What and how to teach teachers for them to become real cultural mediators in the upbringing and development of the next generation?
For a discussion of these and many other questions, we need an open debate. And I am sincerely glad that the Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century will become a real platform for the organization of scientific discussions and friendly meetings, which will allow for more specific approaches to solving the problems of mental health prevention.
I congratulate all of us on this event! And let me take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the Congress organizers for the real possibility professional discussion of this important topic.
I wish everyone inspiration and success!
Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE), President of the Federation of Russian Educational Psychologists, Ph.D. in Psychology